Watercolor Garden de Chris Thornton-Deason
Delta Creative Ceramcoat® Acrylic Paint
Gamal Green 2120
Bahama Purple 2518
Medium Foliage Green 2536
Oyster White 2492
Barn Red 2490
Brown Iron Oxide 2023
Cricket 2585
Blue Bayou 2588
Dark Burnt Umber
Brown Iron Oxide
Delta Gel Blending Medium 7011
Delta Satin Exterior/Interior Varnish 7003
Watercolor paper available craft stores
11 “x14” pre-cut matte available craft stores
Loew-Cornell La-Corneille Golden Taklon
Series 7300 Shader #8 and 12
Series 7050 Script Liner #1
Series 7350 3/4” and 1” Glaze Brush
Silk Sponge
Loew Cornell Products
White graphite paper
Tracing paper
Palette paper
Water container
Miscellaneous Supplies
Paper Towel
soft cloth
fibers of choice of right side of matte
Basecoat the watercolor paper in Oyster White using the 1” wash brush.
Transferring Pattern
Lay tracing paper over pattern. Trace all lines except those used to denote shadows. Shadow lines are generally short straight lines. Main lines are where color changes are made. Detail lines are facial features, patterns on fabric, and etc. Lay tracing on surface, tape top and one side. Slide graphite paper between tracing and surface, draw over main lines only.
Apply pattern lightly for horizon line, path and top of fence only.
Panting Instructions
Using a soft cloth wrap around your finger and rub sky area with even thin coat of Gel Blending Medium. Barely touch the clothe into Blue Bayou rub lightly on the palette to remove any excess and blend color with medium.
Start at the top right corner and work down towards the horizon line, leaving only touches of color on the horizon line (top of the hills). Repeat blending and rubbing process from the left corner down.
Repeat blending and rubbing process for grass start at the horizon line and rub down towards to bottom of the grass and bushes with Cricket. In the lower part of the grass above the path and the fence rub in a small streaks of Medium Foliage Green.
Rub a light division for the hills with Gamal Green.
Thin Cricket with a small amount of water and using a damp silk sponge stipple in the entire tree area and bushes.
Do not wash sponge pick up small amount of Medium Foliage Green, pat on palette to slightly blend colors, stipple the middle section of the trees.
Wash out sponge leaving slightly damp and stipple closest trees with Gamal Green. Tip: Stippling can be done with many tools, stippling brush, old fluffy brush, sponge or plastic wrap. First load the tool of choice in color, pat on palette to remove excess color and then pat on surface. Use straight up and down patting motion when applying the color to surface. Should have an airy look with background color showing through.
Basecoat tree trunk in Dark Burnt Umber using #8 shader. Do not wash brush pick up small amount of Oyster White on one corner of brush, blend on palette and stroke a few highlights.
Streak the grass along the edge of the path pulling up with the #1 liner with in all of the different greens.
Lightly streak the path with Brown Iron Oxide using #12 shader.
Fence Post
Basecoat fence post and stone in Oyster White plus touch of Brown Iron Oxide and Gamal Green using the #12 shader.
Float shadows on fence post in Dark Burnt Umber using #8 shader.
Streak highlights by pulling down from top of post in Oyster White plus touch of Brown Iron Oxide.
Float shadows on stone in Gamal Green plus touch of Brown Iron Oxide this is a little more green to create the illusion of moss using the #8 shader.
Float highlights in Oyster White plus touch of shadow mix using the same brush.
Reinforce highlights with Oyster White on both fence post and stone.
Pink Flowers
Stipple pink bushes using silk sponge pick up a small amount of Barn Red then tip Oyster White, pat on palette to slightly blend colors, pat on surface.
Blue Flowers
Basecoat flowers in Bahama Purple using #8 shader.
Float shadows in mix of 2 parts Blue Bayou to 1 part Barn Red using same brush.
Float highlights in Oyster White plus touch of Bahama Purple.
Stroke stamens using #1 liner in Cricket.
Lightly stipple the background flowers growing up the hill in Bahama Purple using the #1 liner.
Float the shadows across the bottom of these in Gamal Green using the #8 shader.
Flower leaves
Double-load #8 shader in Medium Foliage Green and Gamal Green, blend lightly on palette and then stroke flowers leaves.
Highlight with float of Cricket using the #8 shader.
Do stems Gamal Green and highlight here and there in Cricket using #1 liner.
Pre-cut Matte
Basecoat the outer 1-1/4” of the matte in Gamal Green using the 1” wash brush.
Basecoat the inner section of the matte in Oyster White using the same brush.
Do the narrow band in Bahama Purple using the #1 liner.
Allow to dry
To Finish
Apply as many coats of Satin Varnish as desired to painting and matte.
Glue fibers in lace on back of matte.
Frame as desired.
Date de dernière mise à jour : Lun 05 juil 2021