Coeur Traineau
Americana Acrylics
DA111 - Grey Sky
DA133 - Hauser Dark Green
DA164 - Light Buttermilk (semi-opaque)
DA165 - Napa Red
Americana DuraClear Varnishes
DS21 - DuraClear Satin Varnish
Wood Sealer
DS16 - Americana Wood Sealer
Dazzling Metallics
DA148 - Emperor's Gold
DA202 - Champagne Gold
DA203 - Oyster Pearl
Americana Weathered Wood
DAS8 - Weathered Wood
Supplies Surfaces
Brushes - #4 Round; #1 Liner; #4 Flat; Scruffy #4 Flat (for trees)
Supplies - graphite & tracing paper, pencil, paper towels, water container, palette or plastic plate, sand paper
Sleigh by Charles Johnson, PO Box 4092, Springfield, MO 65804
1. Seal wood and sand lightly.
2. Basecoat with Glorious Gold and let dry. Cover with Weathered Wood (refer to label for instructions).
3. When dry, basecoat sled with Napa Red and Hauser Dark Green.
NOTE: Use as large a brush as possible. Apply paint quickly and leave it alone. When this is dry, base in oval for picture with Grey Sky. It will take two coats.
4. Transfer pattern.
Painting Instructions
1. With a #4 round and Venetian Gold, paint the larger scrolls. Smaller scrolls are Glorious Gold.
2. All holly is based with Hauser Dark Green.
3. Using comma strokes, line large scrolls with Glorious Gold. Line inside curve of small scrolls with Emperor's Gold.
4. Leaves are shaded with Hauser Dark Green plus Black as follows: Sideload one side of leaf, and when dry, draw vein down center of leaf. For other side of leaf, sideload Hauser Dark Green plus French Grey Blue for the highlight.
5. Using comma strokes draw into a sharp point. Outline dark side of leaves with shade color, and light side with highlight color. When dry, outline entire leaf with a fine line of Glorious Gold.
6. With liner brush, paint branches with Hauser Dark Green plus Black. Pull needles from branch with the same color. Add more needles - some Hauser Dark Green and some Hauser Dark Green plus French Grey Blue.
7. Outline Venetian Gold commas with Glorious Gold comma strokes. Be sure to connect the points of the commas.
8. Final highlight commas are made with Champagne Gold and the liner brush. Paint a short and long comma on the outside curve of all Glorious Gold commas painted in step 3.
9. Sideload French Grey Blue to paint inside the oval. Shade on top and bottom of path with same shade on sideloaded brush.
10. With a scruffy #4 flat, tap in background trees with Grey Sky plus a touch of Black. Add a touch of French Grey Blue; highlight with Grey Sky.
11. To paint the large evergreens, base with Hauser Dark Green plus Black. With the chisel edge of the #4 flat, draw trunk; pull branches from outside to the trunk. When dry, add highlights of Hauser Dark Green plus a little French Grey Blue. When dry, add snow with Grey Sky.
12. Sideload with Light Buttermilk to add highlights on the ground beneath the back ground trees and the top of land at picture's bottom.
13. With liner brush, draw in dormant background trees with Grey Sky plus Black. Add more Black to paint foreground twigs. Use twig color to draw streaks in path.
14. When dry, wash the picture with Oyster Pearl. Make the wash as light or dark as you like - it will depend on how soft you want the background to appear.
15. Transfer pattern for horse, sleigh, and large tree. Base all three in Black. With Black, draw a line around picture and add brush handle dots (refer to pattern).
16. Apply brush handle dots of Napa Red to holly leaves.
17. Finish the piece with Satin Spray varnish.
Date de dernière mise à jour : Lun 05 juil 2021