Dame de neige sur boite d'allumettes
DecoArt Products Required
Americana Acrylics
DA105 - Blue/Grey Mist
DA106 - Light Avocado
DA113 - Plantation Pine (semi-opaque)
DA115 - Blue Haze
DA163 - Honey Brown
DA166 - Deep Midnight Blue
DA168 - Golden Straw
DA171 - Driftwood
DA178 - Blue Mist
Brush-On Sealers
DS15 - Americana Satin Varnish
Supplies Surfaces
Brushes by Loew-Cornell: Series #7300 #10 Flat Shaders; #7550 1/2" or 1" Wash; #7350 #1 or 0 Fine Liner
Misc - palette; water; paper towels; tracing and graphite paper; pencil; scissors; min-wax stain in "puritan pine" (to stain entire wood matchbox holder); fine sandpaper and tack cloth
Wooden match box (choose a piece similar to this one or contact Jean Zawicki for cut wood)
Sand wood and wipe off dust. Stain entire box with Puritan Pine. When thoroughly dry, paint the front sections with Blue Grey Mist. Add a bit of Titanium White if you want a little lighter value. Use Deep Midnite Blue to trim thickness edges. The words "Warm Fires" are done with a Liner and charcoal Grey. Trace on design, omitting all the small sections of the shawl.
Painting Instructions
1. Sadie's Snow Color: The body is stippled in with Buttermilk. It is then shaded with a touch of Blue Grey MIst + Charcoal Grey. Highlight the snow with Titanium White. Her eyes are done with the blues, adding Midnite Green pupils and outline and lashes of Charcoal Grey. Brush-blend a bit of Brandy Wine into some Golden Straw to make an orange for the carrot nose. Use Brandy wine to shade the carrot and lightly add pink cheeks. The mouth is outlined with Charcoal Grey and the mouth interior is Russet. The hair is done with Yellow Ochre, shading with Honey Brown and highlighting with Taffy Cream.
2. Hat and Lantern: the main color is Driftwood. Shade with Neutral Grey, adding a hint of Charcoal Grey as needed. Use shawl blues for the hat band. Use the reds for the flower and greens for the leaves. Use a Liner Brush to add the small pierced holes in the lantern. The candle glow is Golden Straw, adding a bit of Honey Brown as needed. Reflect a bit of the light up on Sadie's hands.
3. The Shawl: float in the shape of the shawl with Buttermilk. Apply washes of the same color to more or less neutralize the background. Trace on the sections with white graphite. Blues: Blue Haze shaded with Deep Midnite Blue adding wiggly lines of Blue Mist. Dull Red: Russet with fine lines of Hi-Lite Flesh. Pinks: Dusty Rose shaded with a hint of Russet. Use a small stylus to add dip-dot trios of Brandy Wine. Green: Lt. Avocado shaded with Plantation Pine. Dots are Buttermilk. White: Shade with Midnite Green. Add fine lines first with Lt. Avocado, then the opposite direction with Russet to create a plaid effect. Shade over all with Midnite Green and highlight with touches of White as needed.
4. Add some twigs in her hand with either a Liner or a very small Flat, using Raw Sienna, shading with Charcoal Grey.
5. Add drifts of snow at Sadie's base by floating some Titanium White with a 1/2" Wash Brush.
6. Splatter the top surface lightly with just a bit of the White, then add the detailed snowflakes. (I did the shapes with a Liner, then added small dots to detail.)
Finishing Instructions
When all the painting is finished and cured, apply three coats of Satin Varnish to all surfaces.
Date de dernière mise à jour : Lun 05 juil 2021