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Bunny Baby











































Americana Acrylics

DAO6 Pineapple
DAO10 Cadmium Yellow
DAO67 Lamp (Ebony) Black
DA101 Dioxazine Purple
DA131 Hauser Light Green
DA132 Hauser Medium Green
DA133 Hauser Dark Green
DA140 Red Violet
DA163 Honey Brown
DA164 Light Buttermilk
DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate
DA241 Light Mocha

Americana Mediums

DS20 Easy Float

Sealers / Finishes

DS17 Multi-Purpose Sealer
DATM04 Traditions Satin Varnish

Additional supplies

4” x 4” wooden surface


Water container
Wax palette
Shop towels
¾” wash brush
#1 round brush
¼” oval mop brush
¼” filbert grainer brush
⅛” filbert grainer brush
#2 filbert brush
10/0 liner brush
⅛” lunar blender
⅜” lunar blender


Sand. Seal wood surface with Multi-Purpose Sealer. Dry. Sand again.
Using ¾” wash brush, basecoat bottom section solidly Hauser Dark Green. Let dry.
Using ¾” wash brush, base bottom section Hauser Dark Green again. While wet and with dirty brush, add patches of Hauser Medium Green in top right (behind bunny’s head) and in bottom left (where Johnny Jump-ups will be). Still working wet on wet and with dirty brush, add Hauser Light Green to lighten further. Dry. If more Hauser Light Green is needed, use ⅜” lunar blender to dry-brush.
Trace out pattern carefully and apply accurately. (You can apply pattern for flowers and leaves later if you like.)


Using #1 round brush, basecoat bunny’s eye Lamp Black. Using same brush, line nostrils and line to mouth with Lamp Black.
Using ¼” oval mop brush, basecoat fur Honey Brown working in fur direction. (It does not need to be solid.) Apply pattern for details.
Using ¼” filbert grainer brush, rake Light Mocha on bunny working with fur directions. (Mix Easy Float and water (1:1) to help get Light Mocha to correct consistency. You must have paint transparent so you can build layers.) Rake a little more in light areas.
Using ¼” filbert grainer brush, rake Bittersweet Chocolate beginning in shade areas. Rake in mid-value areas as well. (Do more of this step than you think.) Rake shade areas again with Lamp Black. Rake also at tips of ears where it is very dark.
Using ¼” oval mop brush, wash over everything with Honey Brown.
Repeat raking with Light Mocha concentrating on light areas but also putting in fine transparent lines all over bunny. (Make sure you can still see previous layers.)
Repeat raking with Bittersweet Chocolate. Repeat Lamp Black if needed. If you lose Honey Brown, rake a little back.
Repeat layers as you like.
Using ⅛” filbert grainer brush, brighten light markings with Light Buttermilk: under eye and nose and at edge of ears. (Use Easy Float and water (1:1) to help achieve correct consistency.)
Rebase eyes if needed. Using #1 round brush and brush mix of Light Mocha and Lamp Black, line membrane at front of eye. Using ⅛” lunar blender brush, dry-brush secondary highlight on eye with Light Mocha. Using 10/0 liner brush, sparkle eye with Light Buttermilk.
Grass and Leaves

Using #2 filbert brush, basecoat leaves Hauser Medium Green. (See figure 1.) Shade leaves with Hauser Dark Green by stroking from center vein outwards. (See figure 2.) Highlight with Hauser Light Green by stroking from edges inward. (See figure 3.)
Using #2 filbert brush, pull grass lines up from base with mixes of Hauser Light Green; Hauser Medium Green; and Hauser Dark Green, and perhaps Pineapple. (Don’t forget grass in bunny’s mouth.)

Johnny Jump-Ups

Using #2 filbert brush, undercoat front three petals Pineapple before basecoating them Cadmium Yellow. Back petals are Dioxazine Purple. (See figure 1.)
Using #2 filbert brush, highlight edges of back petals with Light Mocha. (See figure 2.) When dry, wash with Red Violet. (See figure 3.)
Using #2 filbert brush, highlight edges of Cadmium Yellow petals with Pineapple. If it gets too chalky, wash with Cadmium Yellow. Using #1 round brush, paint radiating lines Red Violet. Center is dot of Light Buttermilk.
Using #1 round brush, pull stems with Hauser Light Green. Highlight with Pineapple. F


Varnish with Traditions Satin Varnish. With 10/0 liner brush and Light Mocha, paint in whiskers after first coat of varnish.

Date de dernière mise à jour : Lun 05 juil 2021